"Did you know that the veil between this world and the next is the thinniest around this time of year?"
I remember that question being posed to me by one of the kookiest people I had probably ever met (up until that point, anyway). She was a witch (or Wiccan, for you politically correct assholes who have nothing better to do than to correct my politically incorrect ass!) or so she told me. She then corrected herself and said she was merely a nature worshipper but loves seeing people's reactions when she says that she's into witchcraft. Needless to say, she didn't even make me flinch. However, I did think that her initial query to me was a bit strange.
I don't think it so strange a question anymore.
I haven't had anything spiritual happen to me in a long time. I may have felt, what the faithful might call, "God's presence" but I haven't felt the piety I used to feel as a child in quite some time now. Not until tonight, anyway. Tonight, that presence was almost...well, for lack of a better word...SPOOKY!
I woke up from what may very well have been the most vivid dream I've ever had. It involved a friend. One I only knew for a brief amount of time, before the Good Lord saw fit to take her from this world, but a friend nonetheless. And sure enough, there she was, plain as day, giving me advice without saying a word. It was one of those dreams where I knew what was happening without the need for words to be spoken. (By the way, if anyone wants to know the dream, all you have to do is ask. I'd get into it now but it would need it's own blog to be told properly.)
When I awoke to my alarm clock, I jumped out of bed with vigor and energy. I got ready for work and headed out the door confident and alert but I didn't know why. It wasn't until I was driving to work listening to Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin that it all came back and hit me a proverbial ton of bricks. (Zeppelin can do that, you know!) I almost had to pull of the road to compsoe myself. I managed to pull myself together and get to work.
Here I am, still at work; it's hours after the realization of that dream and after telling Tyger about it and I'm still freaked out about it. (Incidentally, she was just as wigged out as I was!)I mean, dreams are one thing but this one was too vivid and had too much of a message to just be a dream. This was more a communication. What if it's true? What if the so called "Veil" is weakest at this time of year? Could that have been a long distance call from "the great beyond" or whatever it's called? I haven't put too much faith in the supernatural in a long time even though I'm superstitious and a big fan of that type of thinking. I don't know why but I haven't really put too much faith in anything lately. I guess that's why the dream occurred yesterday of all days.
Not only was it Halloween, it was the first time in a long time that I went to church; it was the first time that I actually prayed.
I'm not gonna sit here and tell you to "repent your sins" and that "The End is Nigh!" or anything like that. However, I am gonna tell you...there is a power in believing and scary as it is, I'm gonna explore it a little more. As for the dream, I think it was advice. It may very well have been a message. I mean, when you're dreaming you're in a car race and then a friend, who has already "crossed over" and whom you've never, EVER dreamed about after her death, tells you to take a chance and try to beat a train that's coming full steam on the tracks or to make a ramp jump over a cliff in the car ala Dukes of Hazzard, it's gotta mean something! Apparently, I have to start taking bigger chances.
I read you loud and clear, Jesse! Tell Jesus I send my love and don't beat Him too badly in chess. Let Him win a few.
I remember that question being posed to me by one of the kookiest people I had probably ever met (up until that point, anyway). She was a witch (or Wiccan, for you politically correct assholes who have nothing better to do than to correct my politically incorrect ass!) or so she told me. She then corrected herself and said she was merely a nature worshipper but loves seeing people's reactions when she says that she's into witchcraft. Needless to say, she didn't even make me flinch. However, I did think that her initial query to me was a bit strange.
I don't think it so strange a question anymore.
I haven't had anything spiritual happen to me in a long time. I may have felt, what the faithful might call, "God's presence" but I haven't felt the piety I used to feel as a child in quite some time now. Not until tonight, anyway. Tonight, that presence was almost...well, for lack of a better word...SPOOKY!
I woke up from what may very well have been the most vivid dream I've ever had. It involved a friend. One I only knew for a brief amount of time, before the Good Lord saw fit to take her from this world, but a friend nonetheless. And sure enough, there she was, plain as day, giving me advice without saying a word. It was one of those dreams where I knew what was happening without the need for words to be spoken. (By the way, if anyone wants to know the dream, all you have to do is ask. I'd get into it now but it would need it's own blog to be told properly.)
When I awoke to my alarm clock, I jumped out of bed with vigor and energy. I got ready for work and headed out the door confident and alert but I didn't know why. It wasn't until I was driving to work listening to Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin that it all came back and hit me a proverbial ton of bricks. (Zeppelin can do that, you know!) I almost had to pull of the road to compsoe myself. I managed to pull myself together and get to work.
Here I am, still at work; it's hours after the realization of that dream and after telling Tyger about it and I'm still freaked out about it. (Incidentally, she was just as wigged out as I was!)I mean, dreams are one thing but this one was too vivid and had too much of a message to just be a dream. This was more a communication. What if it's true? What if the so called "Veil" is weakest at this time of year? Could that have been a long distance call from "the great beyond" or whatever it's called? I haven't put too much faith in the supernatural in a long time even though I'm superstitious and a big fan of that type of thinking. I don't know why but I haven't really put too much faith in anything lately. I guess that's why the dream occurred yesterday of all days.
Not only was it Halloween, it was the first time in a long time that I went to church; it was the first time that I actually prayed.
I'm not gonna sit here and tell you to "repent your sins" and that "The End is Nigh!" or anything like that. However, I am gonna tell you...there is a power in believing and scary as it is, I'm gonna explore it a little more. As for the dream, I think it was advice. It may very well have been a message. I mean, when you're dreaming you're in a car race and then a friend, who has already "crossed over" and whom you've never, EVER dreamed about after her death, tells you to take a chance and try to beat a train that's coming full steam on the tracks or to make a ramp jump over a cliff in the car ala Dukes of Hazzard, it's gotta mean something! Apparently, I have to start taking bigger chances.
I read you loud and clear, Jesse! Tell Jesus I send my love and don't beat Him too badly in chess. Let Him win a few.
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