Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Can't Wait to Finally Snap!

One day. One day I'm going to go on one hell of a killing spree. I think I should buy a gun now so as to have it at the ready. That might sound crazy but I'd rather go on a killing spree with a gun that go buck wild with my K-Bar or Buck knife. Then again, some people might actually freaking deserve it.

Case in point: That piece of shit prick that gave me an overtime parking meter ticket in West New York, NJ while my car was still running and I was in the car! You need to go, motherfucker! You need to go in a slow and agonizing way. I'm not saying I didn't merit that ticket. The meter was at zero but guess what? The motherfucking car was on and I was sitting the fuck inside it! Did I dose off? Yeah. I work nights and I was sleepy. Two points! But if you're gonna have the balls to put the ticket on my windshield with me in the car, at least have the motherfuckin' balls to knock on the window and wake me up and tell me what happened! Fucking meter maids! Fucking male meter maids too! Those motherfuckers should be packing guns themselves because people in general always want to beat down or otherwise run over a meter maid but check themselves because they're women. If that's not the case anymore, a case could be made for those "maids" to be packing heat.

While I'm on my tantrum, could the management officials in my workplace (they shall remain nameless and anonymous but you know who the fuck you are) get their collective heads out of their asses and fix at least one thing in the building. For either the sake of the tenants or the employees! Trust me! It'll work out in the end if you can, at the very least, unfuck one thing that's wrong in that building! I don't know if any of you have ever had to work inside of a sauna but that's what it feels like working in a high-rise with no air conditioning. Then you have tenants complaining to the employees (who know even less than they do at times) about the heat and lack of pool and the endless amounts of renovations, etc., and it's a miracle someone/anyone else hasn't snapped either.

I hope it's me! I hope I lose control of the little sanity I have left first! I'll release it like hounds are released after a fugitive. It'll be glorious! I already have a killing spree and path of rage set out. I won't tell any of you where. I want it to be a surprise but you'll know when it happens. It'll be on the news. Hell! I want to do such a good job that they have to activate the emergency broadcast system!

So just remember, that not only am I ready to snap, I'm not alone. We are motherfuckin' legion! Think on that! Think on that the next time you cut someone off or block an intersection because you were too fucking impatient to wait at the red light. Think on that when you don't hold the elevator for me or fuck up my coffee order. Think on that when you were a prick all throughtout dinner and ran up an $80 bill and only tipped $3. Definitely think long and hard when you're putting a ticket on the windshield of a car when all you had to do was tap on the windshield and ask for a quarter. Think and remember: We're all one bad day away from snapping and the sad part is, none of us know how close we may have already come to setting off someone else's apocalypse.


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